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  • 203 Madison Ave, NY, USA Address
  • Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Timeing
  • [email protected] Mail to us

Thomas Cheng

  • Organisation : Hong Kong University

Short Bio

Thomas Cheng is a professor at the University of Hong Kong. He has written extensively on competition law in developing countries and on the competition law of a number of Asian jurisdictions, including Hong Kong, China, and Japan. His research has appeared in respected U.S. journals, including Chicago Journal of International Law, Berkeley Business Law Journal, Virginia Law & Business Review, and University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law, and in leading competition law journals such as Journal of Antitrust Enforcement and World Competition. In 2020, he published Competition Law in Developing Countries, the first comprehensive monograph on the topic, with Oxford University Press. In 2021, he published The Patent-Competition Interface in Developing Countries, again the first comprehensive monograph on the topic, with Oxford University Press. In 2022, he was named by Global Competition Review, a leading competition law publication, as one of the 25 most influential antitrust academics in the world. In 2023, his article co-authored with Julian Nowag received the Best Unilateral Conduct article from the prestigious Concurrences Antitrust Writing Award.