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  • Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Timeing
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Contact Us

  • 203 Madison Ave, NY, USA Address
  • Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Timeing
  • [email protected] Mail to us

Ramji Srinivasan

Senior Advocate
  • Organisation : Supreme Court of India

Short Bio

Mr. RAMJI SRINIVASAN, Senior Advocate, is a leading Senior Advocate with unparalleled experience in Commercial and Regulatory Laws in India. Over the last more than 35 years, his practice has essentially involved Competition Law, Company Law, besides Telecom, Energy, Aviation, and Insolvency Laws. He has successfully appeared in virtually all major Competition Law cases in India, both in involving Anti Competitive conduct, Abuse of Dominance cases and Merger/Combinations cases these include the Steel and Cement Cartels, Digital Platforms and other landmark cases in Competition Commission of India and COMPAT and NCLAT and the Supreme Court of India. He has also appeared in leading Telecom cases in India including the famous Spectrum cases in Telecom; the Gas pipeline Tariff cases; the Electricity parallel Network battle in Mumbai; for  Airlines and Airports under the Airport Economic Regulation etc. He is the PRESIDENT of the Competition Law Bar Association and was also awarded the Competition Lawyer of the Year. He has been nominated as India’s representative to the International Competition Network as Non Governmental Adviser (NGA) by the Competition Commission of India (CCI). He has successfully appeared in some of the landmark cases involving a recent statute, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. He succeeded in the very first Appeal before the NCLAT in the landmark Innovative matter, as Senior Counsel for Financial Creditors. This decision was upheld by the Supreme Court. He has since appeared in several matters for Financial Creditors, Operational Creditors, and Companies and Promoters and Directors, and Resolution Professionals and Committee of Creditors under the IBC including in the recent Arcelor Mittal- Essar matter, Go-Air Airlines and scores of other cases. He has been Chairman of several Committees of Industry bodies and has also advised the Government Panels in the drafting or Amendments of various legislations including the Electricity Act, Data Protection under Information Technology Act, Telecom Regulatory Authority Act and Competition Act.