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  • Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Timeing
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  • 203 Madison Ave, NY, USA Address
  • Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Timeing
  • [email protected] Mail to us

Ning Lizhi

  • Organisation : Wuhan University, NGA from China

Short Bio

Ning Lizhi, born in 1964, professor and doctoral supervisor of Wuhan University Law School, director of the Institute of IP and Competition Law of Wuhan University, concurrently serving as member of the Expert Advisory Group of the Antimonopoly Committee of the State Council, deputy chairman of the Competition Law Committee of the China Economic Law Research Association, President of Hubei Law Society Competition Law Research Association, Vice-President of Hubei Law Society IP Law Research Association, distinguished expert of China IP News, first batch of Patent Information Teachers, Legal Counsel of Hubei Provincial Government and of Standing Committee of Hubei Provincial People's Congress, etc. Published dozens of academic papers in important law journals, presided over a number of national and ministerial projects, edited Researches on IP and Market Competition and presided over China IP and Competition Forum. He served as one of the group leaders during the Anti-Unfair Competition Law revision and went to South America as the Chinese delegation’s legal expert and principal member to recover over 130 Chinese trademarks from squatting.