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  • Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Timeing
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  • 203 Madison Ave, NY, USA Address
  • Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Timeing
  • [email protected] Mail to us

Maxim Shaskolsky

  • Organisation : FAS Russia

Short Bio

Maxim Shaskolsky was born on January 5, 1975 in Leningrad (currently St. Petersburg). In 1997, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University with a degree in economics, teacher of economic disciplines. Since 1996, he worked as head of the securities department at Yuganskneftebank. In 2000-2001, he was an adviser to the Governor of the Leningrad Region Valery Serdyukov. From September 2001 to February 2005 ‒ First Deputy General Director of CJSC "Petroelektrosbyt". Then he moved to the position of deputy director for work with consumers in the sales department of JSC "Lenenergo". In October 2005, on the basis of this division, the Petersburg Sales Company was created. From 2005 to 2010 ‒ Deputy General Director/Director for work with consumers of the Petersburg Sales Company. From April 2010 to March 2013, he was Managing Director/First Deputy General Director of JSC Petersburg Sales Company. From 2013 to 2019 ‒ General Director of JSC Petersburg Sales Company. In January 2019, he was appointed advisor to the Acting Governor of St. Petersburg Mr. Alexander Beglov. From January 23, 2019 to November 10, 2020 ‒ Vice Governor of St. Petersburg. He was in charge of energy issues and tariff regulation. He coordinated the activities of the city committees on tariffs, energy and engineering support.