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  • 203 Madison Ave, NY, USA Address
  • Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Timeing
  • [email protected] Mail to us

Graciela Miralles Murciego

Senior Economist
  • Organisation : World Bank

Short Bio

Graciela Miralles Murciego, PhD, LLM, is a Senior Economist at the Markets and Technology Global unit of the World Bank Group where she co-leads the work on Competition Policy and State-Owned Enterprises. In this function, she has been involved in a wide variety of operational and analytical projects to promote competition policy reforms across countries in South Asia (SAR), East Asia Pacific (EAP), Latin America (LAC), Europe and Central Asia (ECA), as well as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Graciela has led/supported several projects focusing on increasing the effectiveness of competition policies in more than 30 countries including Peru, Uruguay, Argentina, The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Romania, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Kenya, Rwanda, Egypt and Kuwait. Graciela has been the main author in a wide variety of implementing instruments for competition authorities around the world covering, among other topics, cartel exemptions, mergers, fines, leniency, public procurement, and competitive auctions. Additionally, she is leading the outreach agenda on competition policy regarding the relations with the OECD, UNCTAD and the International Competition Network. Graciela holds a PhD in Competition Law and Economics from the European University Institute (EUI, Florence, Italy) and graduate degrees from the College of Europe (Bruges) as well as the EUI.